Voltron season 5 is here and fans all over the internet already found some interesting moments in it.
"For a while, it seemed to the fans that Keith is in the Red Lion again, but it's more like Lance piloting red, jJust look at his eye and nose shape. And at 0:55 you can clearly see the color of the armors when they twist their wrists. There is no indication in the trailer that they are switching lions again. So yeah, Lance and Allura are still the red and blue paladin respectively."
"Lance giving orders in the trailer hopefully means we’re either getting Lance stepping up as more of a leader (for various reasons, all good…i hope) or more tension between Lance and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Shiro as Lance tries to advise him the way he did Keith, and Kuro still refuses to acknowledge him as the Red Paladin and right-hand-man of Voltron. "

"i’m sure this has already been pointed out but i just paused the trailer for 2 seconds and noticed ezor (and no doubt axca and zethrid) are now evidently helping zarkon in taking out lotor. im suffering"

"I’m so sorry but seeing THIS expression of Keith makes me worry about Shiro".
And is this a new white Lion?

Theory of new Lion is based in this picture: