Miraculous official trailer season 2 extended cut
The greatest interest in this trailer was caused by this new character:

His name is Luka Couffaine. He is the brother of Juleka Couffaine, classmate of Adrien and Marinette. According to the official description of the second season, this guy will sow discord in the heart of Marinette. The first appearance of the guy we'll see in the upcoming episode "Captain Hardrock", which will provide Netflix on March 30. Whether he is an episodic character, like Kagami (was only in "Ripost") - is unknown.
As part of the staff responsible for the official art, Feri Gonzalez and Angie Nasca have already drawn Luka a little earlier. And now, when his appearance is revealed, they have finally published their work.
The main part of the reaction of the audience can be characterized by quoting the words of one of the fans: "OH MY GOD HE IS HOT".
Someone has already noticed the resemblance of Luka's hair with the Cat Noir's hairdo. As Kagami looks like Lady Bug (a little bit), Luke is similar to Cat Noir.

But there are more interesting observations. We now have the ring couple (Adrien & Kagami) and the earring couple (Marinette & Luka).