A lot of people wondered if Elsa was walking barefoot now. The answer is no!
As you can see Elsa in her Snow Queen dress has delicate semi-transparent sandals with crystals that represent 4 elements.

4 elements also can be seen in all other parts of her new outfit from the Frozen 2 final.

Elsa’s epilogue costume signifies her final transformation. The main body of her dress is white velvet as a nod to her snow and ice origins, and the extended yards of organza in her cape and dress hem suggest the magical, elusive character she has always been. But the curved bodice silhouette indicates her newfound confidence, and the decorative adornments throughout the outfit, which display the iconography of the four elements, symbolically denote her deep connection to nature itself.
And here is this image of Elsa as fifth Element in the format of HD wallpaper:
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