The most difficult and important thing is to find the same stylish pants with cuts. We've found similar ones for you, and we're publishing them as examples. If you decide to buy them, please check with the seller for details and dimensions. The same applies to all other items in this news.

You can get this pants here:
Also an important part of the SWAG OMG look is the shortened crop top.

You can get it here:
You can take heeled shoes for the cosplay, but in order to dress like this in real, it is better to take classic stylish sneakers.
You can this NIke kids shoes here:
Now let's move on to the accessories. Or more specifically, the jewelry is SWAG LOL OMG style.
Dollar pendant and classic ring earrings fit perfectly together with this outfit.
You can get this Dollar Sign Pendant here:
You can get Classics Gold-Tone Thin Hoop Earrings here:
Another important accessory of LOL Surprise OMG SWAG fashion doll is glasses. It's better if they're red and cat-shaped.
You can get red Cat Eye sunglasses here:
You will also need stylish golf courses with stripes.
You can get it here:
And finally, the important thing is the backpack. Ideally, it should be white.

You can get this white backpack here:
But we can look for something with a dollar sign. For example:
You can get Dollar Sign backpack here:
Or try something more colorful:
You can get this colorful backpack with dollar sign here:
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