This is a Masterpost for the new LOL Surprise 7 series - L.O.L. Surprise! Lights
L.O.L. Surprise! Lights is a first new LOL Surprise collection for the beggining of 2020. LOL Surprise Lights series consist of three main collections: LOL Surprise Lights Glitter, LOL Surprise Lights pets and LOL Surprise Lights OMG fashion dolls.
L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Glitter - Get it here
LOL Surprise Lights Glitter is a new surprise dolls from MGA. As it is LOL Glitter collection, dolls are covered with glitter. But the main but the main distinguishing feature of the LOL Lights series is hidden surprises that can be revealed under black light. You can do this with the flashlight that comes with the doll.
There is 8 surprises in new LOL Surprise Lights Glitter
Here is LOL Surprise Lights Glitter checklist:
There are 5 clubs in LOL Surprise Lights Glitter series:
Glam Club: Cadet, Harleyquin Girl, Gala Q.T.
Opposites Club: Fyre, Ice
Art Club: Drip Drop, Optica, Surreal Bebe
Swim Club: Yacht B.B., In Sync
Dance Club: Jammin, Dancebot
So, there are 12 dolls to collect in LOL Surprise Lights Glitter series.
Release date:
LOL Surprise Lights Glitter release date is January 25, 2020. On this date dolls will be out for preorder.
You can get LOL Surprise Lights Glitter here:
Official recommended retail price for L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Glitter dolls is $10.99
L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pets - Get it here

LOL Surprise Lights Pets is a new surprise toys with LOL pets. As a part of LOL Lights series, LOL Surprise Lights Pets have a hidden surprises that can be revealed under black light. And toy comes with the mini torch of black light.

But an even more interesting and important feature of the new collection is a real Hair!

LOL Surprise Lights Pets has a real hair like LOL dolls in the #Hairgoals series! And most of the LOL Surprise Lights Pets are acually pets of the LOL Hairgoals dolls.
There are 12 LOL Lights Pets to collect.

LOL surprise Lights Pets comes with 9 surprises. And the pet itself will be covered with removable fur. And it makes the unboxing experince even more interesting.
The fur can then be reapplied in different ways to create new looks.
1 step: Remove fur to unbox pet
2 step: Style Pets again and again
3 step: Shine a Black Light and see a surprise!

L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pets checklist
Release date:
LOL Surprise Lights Pets release date is January 25, 2020. On this date they will be out for preorder.
You can get LOL Surprise Lights Pets here:
Official recommended retail price for L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pets is $12.99
LOL Surprise OMG Lights dolls
LOL Surprise OMG Lights are the new fashion dolls, big sister of LOL Surprise dolls and part of the LOL Surprise Lights series.

There are 4 LOL Surprise OMG Lights dolls to collect.
LOL Surprise OMG dolls comes with 15 surprises. One of them is UV Black Light flashlight that can reveal hidden surprises.
LOL Surprise OMG Lights Angles - Get it here
LOL OMG Lights Angles is a big sister of Shapes LOL doll.

LOL Surprise OMG Lights Speedster - Get it here
LOL OMG Lights Speedster is a big sister of Drag Racer LOL doll.

LOL Surprise OMG Lights Dazzle - Get it here
LOL OMG Lights Dazzle is a big sister of Glitter Queen LOL doll.

LOL Surprise OMG Lights Groovy Babe - Get it here
LOL OMG Lights Groovy Babe is a big sister of Beatnik Babe LOL doll.

Release date:
LOL Surprise OMG Lights dolls release date is January 25, 2020. On this date dolls will be out for preorder.
You can get Groovy Babe here:
You can get Speedster here:
You can get Angles here:
You can get Dazzle here:
Official recommended retail price for L.O.L. Surprise! Lights OMG dolls is $24.99
LOL OMG LIGHTS Unboxing video
Other toys that are part of L.O.L. Surprise! Lights series
L.O.L. Surprise! Car-Pool Coupe - Get it here

You can buy L.O.L. Surprise! Car-Pool Coupe here:
L. O. L. Surprise! dolls can drive in style with the L. O. L. Surprise! Car-Pool Coupe with exclusive doll, surprise pool and dance floor. This fiercely stylish car has a luxe rose gold finish with glam pink details. The car also expands to reveal a surprise pool and dance floor, so L. O. L. Surprise! dolls can keep the party going. Remove back of car and flip open to reveal pool that fits L. O. L. Surprise! dolls of all sizes. Pool liner is removable to fill with water and clean out easily. Unbox the exclusive L. O. L. Surprise! Drag Racer doll that's included. Shine the pop-up black light headlights on her to reveal black light surprises. The car's adjustable seats fit both L. O. L. Surprise! dolls and L. O. L. Surprise! O. M. G. fashion dolls. And they have seatbelts to keep B. B. s buckled up when they hit the road. Also features fold-out mirrors, a glove compartment that opens and keys.
LOL Surprise Lights Hairvibes
According to some reports, the LOL Surprise Lights Hairvibes dolls should be released a little later than other dolls from Lights collection.
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