It is Molded camper with kitty ears, fully printed with adorable style. Pop out the front, back and side to create multiple play spaces for endless fun.
Includes animal themed accessories.
You can get it here:

Na! Na! Na! Surprise dolls can hit the road now in the first-ever kitty-themed, cozy camper! The rolling camper is stylish, comfy, and transforms into a campsite playset. Pop up the top, the front and the side panel to reveal so many surprises and play areas. Includes working windows & drawers and many animal-themed soft goods and accessories.
MGA Entertainment Na Na Na Surprise Pink Kitty-Cat Camper 360° Play, Expands to 3 Feet Wide, with 7 Play Areas: Kitchen, Bed, Shower, Hammock, Fashion Closet, Awning Hangout and Dining Area.
Molded camper with Kitty ears, fully printed with adorable style!
Pop out the front, back and side to create multiple play spaces for endless fun
Includes many adorable animal-themed accessores: pillow, blanket, bar stool, hanger,s toaster, coffee maker, pot, pan, and more!
Fits bot scales of Na! Na! Na! Surprise Dolls
Release date: August 2021
Price: $89.99
News will be updated as soon as new information, links for pre-order and stock images become available.
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