Dream Ella I am dolls. New budget dolls from MGA

Meet new budget playline dolls from MGA - Dream Ella I AM dolls.
Price: $8.99
There are 3 dolls in first collection: Pet Vet, Baker and Doctor.
According to the video review that you will find at the end of the news, these new dolls are surprisingly pleasantly heavy, have nice and high-quality hair to the touch, and their outfits are also made of good materials. So for their price these are very good dolls.

Dream Ella I am dolls

Dream Ella I am Doctor doll
You can get it here: https://amzn.to/2Y5ESQG

Dream Ella I am Doctor doll

Dream Ella I am Pet Vet doll
You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3l10BCc

Dream Ella I am Pet Vet doll

Dream Ella I am Baker doll
You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3l11lY0

Dream Ella I am Baker doll

Dream Ella Car Cruiser

You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3mmEG85

DREAM ELLA DOLL Review & Compare to Dollar Store Doll

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