Barbie Soccer doll brunette #16 Uniform HCN18
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Barbie soccer doll (11.5 in) wears a uniform consisting of a green shirt with red stripes, the number "16" and a team patch plus white shorts, cleats and tall green socks. Barbie soccer doll also features a brunette ponytail.
Barbie Soccer doll blond #9 Uniform HCN17
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Barbie soccer doll (11.5 in) wears a uniform consisting of a red shirt with white stripes, the number "9" and a team patch plus blue shorts, cleats and tall white socks. Barbie soccer doll also features a blonde ponytail and comes with a soccer ball accessory.
Ken Soccer doll #21 Uniform HCN16
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Ken soccer doll (11.5 in) wears a uniform consisting of a yellow shirt with a green stripe, the number "21" and a team patch plus green shorts, cleats and tall yellow socks. Ken soccer doll also features short cropped hair and comes with a soccer ball accessory.
Ken Soccer doll #10 Uniform HCN15
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Ken soccer doll (11.5 in) wears a uniform consisting of a blue shirt with a stripe, the number "10" and a team patch plus black shorts, cleats and tall red socks. Ken soccer doll also features cropped hair and comes with a soccer ball accessory.
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