Barbie doll’s side-swept hair cascades behind her, and she accessorizes with mile-high stilettos and dazzling jewelry that will make the paparazzi swoon.
You can get it here
And the award for most glamorous goes to … our member-exclusive Pink Premiere Doll! As the first in the Gala Collection, she embodies the star-studded moments when designers and Hollywood royalty join forces to rule the red carpet. Our doll’s Barbiecore pink mermaid gown, faux fur wrap, and stilettos epitomize high fashion, but it's her confidence that steals the spotlight.
Barbie® Gala Collection Pink Premiere Doll
Designer: Angel Kent
Label: Black
Face Sculpt: Odile
Body Type: Music Muse
Includes Certificate of Authenticity
Barbie® Gala Collection Pink Premiere Doll
Designer: Angel Kent
Label: Black
Face Sculpt: Odile
Body Type: Music Muse
Includes Certificate of Authenticity
Price: $ 50.00
In real life photo

To be updated!
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