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There are 16 minifigures to collect in series 2.
LEGO Harry Potter Minifigures Series 2 checklist
Full list of tiys to collect:
1. Harry Potter with the Book of Potions (from the Half-Blood Prince)
2. Albus Dumbledore with his phoenix Fawkes
3. Hermione Granger with a Butterbeer Glass
4. Ron Weasley with a Butterbeer Glass
5. Luna “Loony” Lovegood with a lion head
6. Griphook with sword from Godric Gryffindor and key
7. Lily Potter with baby Harry
8. James Potter with portrait
9. Ginny Weasley with a chocolate ice cream bowl
10. Fred Weasley with hat and joke case
11. George Weasley with Marauder’s Map
12. Bellatrix Lestrange in Azkaban outfit with prisoner sign and handcuffs
13. Kingsley Shacklebolt with flying whisk
14. Moaning Myrtle with Tom Riddle’s Diary
15. Professor Pomona Sprout with mandrake and flower pot
16. Neville Longbottom with Book of Monsters
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