MGA recalls Miniverse Make it Mini sets which contain resins

MGA Entertainment recalls Miniverse Make it Mini sets. The recall involves the “Make it Mini” sets which contain resins like Make It Mini Appliances, Make It Mini Food and Make It Mini Lifestyle. More information on MGA official website here
Recall refers to new unopened products, solidified resin is safe.

According to MGA, the new fall 2024 collection already contains a different, safe recipe and no delays in the release of new collections are expected.
MGA recalls Miniverse Make it Mini sets which contain resins
MGA recalls Miniverse Make it Mini sets which contain resins

Which Miniverse products are being recalled?
All Miniverse products that contain unused liquid resin including, but not limited to, “Make It Mini Appliances,” “Make It Mini Food,” and “Make It Mini Lifestyle.”

What is the reason these are being recalled?
The recalled Make It Mini sets contain resins that when in liquid form or part of an uncured creation can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation or sensitization when inhaled, touched, or ingested by children or adults. After the resins cure, they no longer present these hazards, as noted in CPSC’s announcement.

Why does this apply to the liquid resin only and not the hardened resin?
After the resins cure, they no longer present the hazards identified in the CPSC’s recall announcement.

What are the specific chemicals of concern?
The resins contain acrylates (hydroxyethylmethacrylate (“HEMA”) and isobornyl acrylate (“IBOA”)) in amounts that CPSC staff has found are prohibited in children’s products by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.

How many incidents have been reported associated with cause of concern?
With over 21 million units of Miniverse sold since 2022, MGA has received 26 reports of incidents with this product from children and adults including reports of skin burns and irritation, and respiratory irritation, with one report that a consumer’s asthma was triggered.

What do I do if I have an unused Miniverse product?
Visit Customer Care Contact and submit the required information to participate in the recall.

What is the remedy for this recall?
The remedy upon returning a recalled item with unused resin is the consumer’s choice of a replacement product of equal value or a refund. The choice of remedy is yours to make, and both are at no charge to you. If you choose a refund, the amount of the refund will be the price shown on your receipt or, if you don’t have a receipt, the average sale price for your product.

What if I have multiple unused Miniverse products?
You will receive a replacement or refund for each unit received back by MGA, at no charge to you.

Will MGA pay for shipping back the unused product back?
Yes. As part of the process, you will receive shipping labels to return the product to MGA at no charge.

How long will it take to receive my replacement?
Up to 4 weeks once your unused product is received back at MGA.

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